• Question: What super power do you think is the most likely to become real?

    Asked by 449prtb42 to Oliver on 13 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Oliver Brown

      Oliver Brown answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      Hmm good question, I think the problem is more that a superpower is never going to be as easy to use in real life as it is for the superheroes! So with that in mind, I think super-strength is the most likely to become (sort of) real.

      People are working on building robotic exoskeletons that allow someone to lift much more than they usually can safely. They’re basically big powered frames that you wear like a backpack! They can also be used to help people recover from injuries.

      If you want the kind of unbounded power that a superhero’s abilities normally grant them, then I’m afraid none of the ones I can think of off the top of my head seem particularly likely to happen for real. Possibly one day we might be able to replace a persons eyes with digital sensors which would give them enhanced vision?
