• Question: What is your favourite piece of technology?

    Asked by Georgina to Oliver on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Oliver Brown

      Oliver Brown answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      That I personally own, it might be my Marshall headphones xD I really like to listen to music while I work, and they let me do that without the rest of my office also having to listen to my music. They also have felt filters in to give them the ‘Marshall sound’ which is biased to the lower end, which I like — partly because going to too many gigs and running too many sound checks has ruined my hearing above about 16kHz, so let that be a lesson — don’t hang around near the speakers at gigs!

      In general I think it might be the new generation of headsets that are starting to appear for gaming — I really like the idea of being able to look around in a game by moving my head 😀
