• Question: what is happening to the earth's magnetic field?

    Asked by Arnold Schwarzenegger to Jackie, Michele, Oliver, Vicky, Yelong on 10 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Vicky Bayliss

      Vicky Bayliss answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      So I was unaware that anything was happening to the earth’s magnetic field, so I googled it. and apparently, and I assume why you are asking this question, the earth’s poles are about to flip – but only soon in terms of geological time-scales, so actually it could happen in about 2000 years. which is interesting, but unlikely to effect my daily life so I’m not going to worry about it.

    • Photo: Michele Faucci Giannelli

      Michele Faucci Giannelli answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      As Vicky said that is a normal phenomenon that has happened many times in the past. If I remember correctly geologist could trace it through the geological eras by looking at magnetised deposits and seeing that every so often they flipped orientation.

    • Photo: Jaclyn Bell

      Jaclyn Bell answered on 14 Mar 2015:

      I wasn’t aware either, so I googled it like Vicky and found this interesting BBC article 🙂 http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141110-earths-magnetic-field-flips-more
