• Question: How far do you think scientists will go with artificial limbs(which body part will they make next)

    Asked by Graham to Jackie, Michele, Oliver, Yelong on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Michele Faucci Giannelli

      Michele Faucci Giannelli answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Yesterday I read on a Italian newspaper that Pisa University has developed artificial legs and are already testing them on volunteers.
      Here is a cool picture: http://www.firenzetoday.it/foto/cronaca/le-gambe-bioniche/foto-3.html
      And here I finally found a video describing them in English: http://youtu.be/LKLz7PAtSfk

    • Photo: Jaclyn Bell

      Jaclyn Bell answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Yeah I think there is no stopping scientists on this one! I think they will keep developing this technology so that they can replace almost anything on the human body. I mean, why stop? If you can keep going and design something that is going to dramatically increase someones quality of life then I say go for it! What would be next… I guess Michele has answered that one already 🙂 I’d like to see robotic arms with sensory feedback being developed so that scientists can grow tissue over the top of them so that they can be attached to someone who has lost an arm and nobody would ever know 😉 but I think thats still in the Sci-fi books than real-life 😛 but who knows! Maybe one day 😀 We are growing tissue in labs and making mechanical arms… why not combine the two? 😉

    • Photo: Oliver Brown

      Oliver Brown answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      These kind of devices are great and really life-changing for people who’ve lost limbs for whatever reason. I’m looking forward to a time when we’re able to make artificial sensory devices such as eyes and ears, imagine ending blindness and deafness 😀
